Sponsors and patrons wanted! - Why should you support us?
Become a sponsor or patron! Motorsport is a very material-, time- and of course money-consuming sport.
In order to be able to pursue it optimally, I am dependent on additional support.
In karting, the fact is quite simple: the more money, the more chance of winning.
And for us, every amount is therefore helpful! I am very grateful for any amount.
You can transfer your sponsor/patron contribution to the following account:
IBAN: CH37 0830 7000 2825 7330 5
Note: Sponsoring or patronage contribution
Thank you very much!
What will be returned?
- Your company logo on the kart, overall, team, bus as well as the website with a direct link to your website, if available.
- Invitation to seasonal events of your choice
- Entry in the sponsor/patron list (if desired)
- If desired, the kart can be made available at exhibitions.
Of course, your own ideas can also be implemented, I am always open to suggestions.
Sponsoring request
Our sponsors: